
The Manufacturing USA institutes and supporting Federal agencies were exceptionally busy with their partners, members, and community organizers during this year’s Manufacturing Month. Several institutes lead or participated in events that will have strong local and national impacts for years to come. What follows are a few highlights:


AIM Photonics’ member NLM Photonics was recently awarded a NASA STTR Phase I Grant, which funds a 13-month project with AIM Photonics focusing on low-power, high-bandwidth electro-optic (EO) modulation for spacecraft applications, utilizing silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) EO modulators and considering the environmental extremes of space.

“We are...

Education, Photonics, Workforce

While many college and university students are beginning to wrap up their long summer breaks spent relaxing at the beach, hiking the mountains, or even touring overseas, seven dedicated PhD, graduate and undergraduate students from SUNY Poly, RPI, University of Rochester, Siena College, and WPI were all busy catching their collective breath last...


Go to Defense Manufacturing (DMC) 2023

Defense Manufacturing (DMC) 2023


United States

External News


They are 16 creators at heart. One creates automation systems for manufacturers. Another designs software for photonics. One helps create high-tech careers in robotics, another in cybersecurity, and a third in the emerging field of remanufacturing. One went to prison and turned his life around to make a six-figure salary in CNC machining.


Our Network @ Work

Student at ACE.

The manufacturing employment gap has existed for years, but some manufacturers have built great work cultures and evolved with societal changes to successfully build talent pipelines. In some areas, local stakeholders have created education and workforce development (EWD) programs that utilize local manufacturers and specialty partners to feed...



Manufacturing USA is a national network of manufacturing institutes established in 2014 by the multi-agency collaboration that guided its formation. Each Institute focuses on a specific manufacturing technology and the education of a skilled workforce to advance it and has the corresponding expertise, facilities, infrastructure and university and...